14 Leading Online Community Engagement Solutions That Your Customers and Fans Will Love

Aug 16, 2023

Josh Maizes

Online Community Engagement Solutions

Have you ever wondered about the secret sauce behind successful online communities? The key lies in effective community management and the use of online community engagement solutions. In today's blog post, we'll dive into the fascinating world of online community management and explore how these engagement solutions can take your community to new heights.

Picture this: you've built an online community filled with passionate members who share a common interest. The next challenge is to keep them engaged and connected, fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring they keep coming back for more. That's where online community engagement solutions come into play. These powerful solutions are designed to facilitate interaction, encourage participation, and create a dynamic environment where your community thrives.

So, how can you make the most of these solutions to boost your online community? Join me as we delve into the strategies and best practices that will help you enhance member engagement, drive valuable discussions, and build a vibrant and loyal community. 

Trust me; it's going to be an exciting journey filled with actionable insights and practical tips. So buckle up and get ready to unleash the full potential of your online community!

Table of Contents

What is An Online Community?

An online community is a digital space that transcends geographical boundaries and brings together individuals who share common interests, goals, passions, or affiliations. It serves as a virtual gathering place where people can connect, communicate, collaborate, and build relationships with others who share similar values or pursuits. In essence, it's a reflection of the human need for belonging and connection, translated into the digital realm.

Unlike physical communities bound by location, online communities are not constrained by factors like proximity or time zones. They exist on various platforms, from specialized community software to social media platforms, forums, and even chat applications. What defines these communities is their focus on fostering meaningful interactions and exchanges of information.

Members of an online community come together for a multitude of reasons. Some seek like-minded individuals to discuss hobbies, interests, or passions that may not be readily accessible in their immediate physical surroundings. Others join communities to gain knowledge, share experiences, seek advice, or offer support in areas such as health, personal development, or professional growth. This diversity of motivations makes each online community unique and vibrant.

Online Community Engagement Solutions

One of the core components of an online community is its ability to facilitate communication. Members engage through text, images, videos, and even real-time interactions like live chats and webinars. This digital medium allows for asynchronous interactions, meaning that members can contribute and respond at their convenience, overcoming time zone differences and scheduling constraints.

An essential aspect of online communities is their self-sustaining nature. While there might be moderators or administrators who facilitate discussions and enforce community guidelines, the heart of these communities lies in the contributions of their members. These members share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, thus shaping the collective identity and value of the community.

Online communities also offer a unique space for individuals to explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and broaden their horizons. By connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, members can gain insights that they might not encounter within their immediate circles.

An online community is more than just a digital forum; it's a dynamic, inclusive, and evolving ecosystem where human connections are forged, ideas are exchanged, and relationships are nurtured. It reflects the essence of human interaction and community-building in the modern digital age, redefining how people come together to learn, grow, and share in a globalized world.

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How Can I Start An Online Community?

Starting an online community involves several key steps to create a thriving and engaging space for your target audience. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Define Your Purpose and Niche

Determine the purpose of your community. Is it for networking, knowledge-sharing, support, or a combination?

Identify a specific niche or topic that your community will focus on to attract a targeted audience.

2. Choose a Platform

Select a suitable online community platform or software. Consider options like forums, social media groups, or dedicated community management tools.

3. Plan Your Community Structure

Decide on the structure of your community. Will it have different discussion categories, subgroups, or tiers for different membership levels?

4. Create a Content Strategy

Develop a content plan to ensure a steady flow of valuable and relevant content. This can include articles, discussions, polls, events, and more.

5. Design and Branding

Online Community Engagement Solutions Branding

Customize the appearance of your community platform to align with your brand identity and create an appealing user experience.

6. Set Community Guidelines

Establish clear community guidelines that outline expected behavior, posting rules, and consequences for violating the guidelines.

7. Launch and Promote

Launch your community and invite initial members. Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your community's launch.

8. Engage with Members

Actively engage with members by starting discussions, responding to comments, and fostering a positive and inclusive environment.

9. Encourage User-Generated Content

Encourage members to contribute their own content, such as questions, answers, articles, and discussions.

10. Moderation and Management

Assign moderators or community managers to oversee discussions, enforce guidelines, and address any issues.

11. Offer Value to Members

Provide valuable resources, exclusive content, expert insights, or rewards to incentivize membership and participation.

12. Gather Feedback and Iterate

Continuously gather feedback from members to improve the community experience. Adapt and make changes based on user suggestions.

13. Promote Community Growth

Utilize networking, partnerships, and social media to expand your community's reach and attract new members.

14. Analyze and Measure

Monitor engagement metrics, such as active users, discussions, and content interactions. Use analytics to track the success of your community.

15. Scale and Evolve

As your community grows, consider adding new features, hosting events, and exploring monetization options if applicable.

Remember that building a successful online community takes time and dedication. Focus on creating a valuable and engaging environment for your members, and adapt your strategies based on their needs and preferences.

Related Reading

Why Is Brand Community Important
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I already have an online community, but how can I grow it?

Online Community Engagement Solutions Growth

If you already have an online community, congratulations! You've taken an important step toward building a loyal and engaged audience. 

But now, you might be wondering how you can take it to the next level and grow your community even further. In this section, I will share some effective strategies to help you do just that.

1. Identify your target audience

Understanding who your community is designed for is crucial. By defining your target audience, you can tailor your content and engagement strategies to appeal to their specific needs and interests. Conducting market research or surveys can help you gain valuable insights into your target audience's preferences and pain points.

2. Create valuable content

Content is king, and providing your community with valuable and relevant content is essential for growth. Explore different content formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, or webinars to cater to different preferences. Make sure your content is educational, entertaining, or inspiring, and encourages your audience to engage and share it with others.

3. Foster engagement

Engaging with your community is key to fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty. Regularly respond to comments, questions, and feedback in a timely manner. Encourage discussions, ask for opinions, and create polls to spark conversations. Consider hosting regular live Q&A sessions or virtual meetups to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

4. Leverage social media

Social media platforms provide a great opportunity to attract new members to your online community. Share snippets of your content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, along with catchy captions and hashtags relevant to your niche. Engage with your followers and respond to their comments, and consider collaborating with influencers or running paid advertising campaigns to increase your reach.

5. Utilize email marketing

Email remains one of the most effective ways to nurture and engage your community. Use opt-in forms on your website and social media channels to collect email addresses, and send regular newsletters or updates to keep your audience informed and engaged. Personalize your emails to make your community members feel valued and appreciated.

6. Encourage user-generated content

User-generated content is a powerful tool for community growth. Encourage your community members to create and share their own content related to your niche. This could include testimonials, reviews, guest blog posts, or social media shoutouts. Not only does this create a sense of ownership and pride within your community, but it also attracts new members who resonate with the content created by their peers.

7. Collaborate with other communities

Building relationships with other online communities in your niche can be mutually beneficial. Look for opportunities to collaborate on joint projects, guest blog posts, or cross-promotions. This not only expands your reach but also allows you to tap into a new audience that may be interested in what you have to offer.

Growing your online community takes time and effort, but by implementing these strategies, you can attract new members, foster engagement, and create a vibrant and thriving community. Remember, consistency and authenticity are key, so keep showing up, providing value, and building meaningful connections. Happy growing!

5 Ways That You Can Encourage Engagement Within Your Online Community

Hey there, online community managers! Are you struggling to get your community members engaged and active? Well, fret no more! I've got five fantastic ways to encourage engagement within your online community. 

So, let's dive right in!

1. Create a Welcoming Environment

First impressions matter, so make sure your online community is a warm and inviting space. Greet new members with a friendly welcome message and encourage existing members to do the same. Foster a sense of inclusivity and mutual respect by setting clear guidelines for interaction. This will help create a safe space where users feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

2. Foster Meaningful Connections

People join online communities to connect with like-minded individuals. Facilitate these connections by promoting member profiles and encouraging members to reach out to each other. Create discussion threads or organize virtual events where members can network and share their expertise. By fostering these connections, you'll encourage more engagement and build a stronger community.

3. Be Responsive

Engagement is a two-way street, so make sure you're actively engaging with your community members. Respond promptly to their questions, comments, and concerns. Show them that their voices are heard and valued. This not only encourages more engagement but also builds trust and loyalty among your community members.

4. Gamify the Experience

Humans love a good challenge, so why not introduce some friendly competition into your online community? Create contests, challenges, or virtual badges that members can earn by actively participating and contributing. This will not only make the experience more enjoyable but also motivate members to engage more frequently.

5. Organize Engaging Activities

Sometimes, you need to think outside the box to keep your community members engaged. Host interactive webinars, AMAs (Ask Me Anything), or virtual workshops where members can learn new skills or gain insights from industry experts. This not only adds value to your community but also sparks conversations and encourages engagement.

Online community engagement is all about creating a positive and inclusive environment, fostering meaningful connections, being responsive, gamifying the experience, and organizing engaging activities. By implementing these strategies, you'll be well on your way to building an active and thriving online community.

So, go ahead and put these tips into action. Your community members will thank you, and you'll see your engagement levels soar!

14 Leading Online Community Engagement Solutions That Will Make Your Customers and Fans Love You

Finding the perfect online community engagement solution can be a challenge, but fear not! 

I've compiled a list of 14 leading online community engagement solutions that will make your customers and fans love you. 

Each solution comes with a description, an explanation of why it will help your community grow, its average price, and a "love percentage" to help you gauge how much your customers and fans will love you after you use one of these online community engagement solutions! 

Let's dive in!

Fragment Studios

Fragment Studios is a community engagement solution that focuses on fostering genuine engagement. 

  • Best for: Artists, brands, and large organizations.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 1000%


Now, let's talk about the pros of Fragment Studios. Fragment Studios specializes in launching and growing communities that get real engagement. Whether it’s an artist’s community, an eSports company, a sports team, or even a clothing brand. Fragment Studios has the skill of getting engagement from any type of audience. Reach out today to learn about how we can help you build a community that gets real engagement.


Now, let's address the elephant in the room - the cons. I’ll be honest, the only con is that you aren’t using Fragment Studios yet…


Granicus is a comprehensive community engagement platform, empowering government agencies to connect with citizens through various channels, including social media, email, and online forums.

  • Best for: Government agencies and civic organizations.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 70%


  • Government Modernization: Granicus is committed to helping government agencies modernize and communicate better with residents and businesses, which is reflected in its mission.

  • Strong Team Dedication: The company's team is dedicated to prioritizing what is right for government partners, fostering a sense of purpose and collaboration.

  • Career Development and Culture: Employees highlight career development opportunities and positive company culture as pros of working at Granicus.

  • Seamless Digital Experiences: Granicus empowers government organizations to create seamless digital experiences for the people they serve, enhancing engagement and communication.


  • High Pricing: Granicus is considered to be on the higher-priced side, making it more suitable for companies with larger budgets, potentially limiting accessibility for smaller organizations.

  • Senior Leadership and Management: Some employee reviews mention issues with senior leadership and management, which could affect the overall work environment.

  • Compensation Concerns: Compensation has been identified as a con in some employee reviews, indicating potential disparities in salary satisfaction.


Hivebrite offers a versatile engagement solution with customizable features like branded communities, events, and fundraising. It caters to organizations looking to build vibrant networks.

  • Best for: Alumni associations, professional networks, and event organizers.

  • Average Price: $500/month

  • Love Percentage: 90%


  • Customizability: Hivebrite's platform can be tailored for diverse audiences and purposes, allowing organizations to create unique community experiences.

  • Member Engagement: The member directory and group features foster strong member connections, encouraging collaboration and networking within communities.

  • Core Features: Hivebrite's core features, including the feed and directory, facilitate engagement and collaboration among members.

  • Additional Functionality: Features like groups, events, and campaigns enable the creation of meaningful sub-communities and enhance community sustainability.

  • Centralized Platform: Hivebrite's system centralizes community management tasks, streamlining activities in one platform.


  • Usability: While intuitive, Hivebrite might not be 100% user-friendly for some users, requiring adaptation to its functionality.

  • Integration Challenges: Some users have faced difficulties with integrations, like Hivebrite's integration with HubSpot.

  • Learning Curve: The platform's richness of features might present a learning curve for users, potentially impacting immediate usability.

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks provides a platform for creating niche communities centered around shared interests. It emphasizes content creation, courses, and direct connections.

  • Best for: Niche communities, course creators, and passion-driven groups.

  • Average Price: $149/month

  • Love Percentage: 80%


  • User Experience: The platform is intuitive and easy to use, with integrated messaging for seamless member communication.

  • Customization: Mighty Networks provides a customizable experience, allowing communities to have unique branding and content.

  • Engaging Interface: The platform offers a clean and visually appealing interface, enhancing user experience.

  • Mobile App: A dedicated mobile app enables members to access the community on the go.

  • Growing Features: As a relatively new platform, Mighty Networks is continually evolving with additional features and integrations.

  • Online Education: The platform's courses and membership features position it as a potential leader in online education.


  • Limited Templates: Some users mention limited template options, potentially impacting the diversity of community designs.

  • Pricing: The pricing structure might not align with all budgets, making it essential to consider the costs.

Higher Logic Thrive

Higher Logic Thrive offers engagement tools such as discussions, events, and resource sharing, enabling organizations to cultivate active communities.

  • Best for: Associations, non-profits, and professional organizations.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 75%


  • Engaging Communities: Higher Logic Thrive empowers users to create and manage engaging online communities, fostering support and collaboration.

  • Member-Centric Approach: The platform centers around member experiences, enhancing engagement and interaction.

  • Evolution and Updates: Users appreciate Higher Logic's commitment to evolving the platform, incorporating user feedback to enhance functionality.

  • Hosted Platform Advantages: As a hosted platform, users benefit from the continual investments made in the technology and platform.


  • Ease of Use: Some users mention a learning curve or potential complexities in using the platform.

  • Template Limitations: There might be limitations in template options, impacting the diversity of community designs.


Discourse is an open-source community platform known for its flexibility and user-friendly interface. It encourages in-depth discussions and collaboration among members.

  • Best for: Tech-savvy communities, developers, and startups.

  • Average Price: Self-hosted (starting at $100/month)

  • Love Percentage: 85%


  • Flexibility: Discourse offers extensive customization options, allowing communities to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

  • Open Source: Being an open-source platform, Discourse enjoys a supportive community and regular updates.

  • User Engagement: The platform prioritizes engagement with features like notifications, likes, and threaded conversations.

  • Search Functionality: Discourse boasts powerful search functionality, making it easier for users to find relevant content.

  • Modern Interface: Its modern and responsive interface provides an appealing user experience.

  • Categories and Tags: The use of categories and tags organizes discussions, enhancing content discoverability.

  • Moderation Tools: Robust moderation tools help maintain a healthy community environment.


  • Learning Curve: New users might experience a learning curve due to the platform's extensive features.

  • Hosting and Maintenance: Self-hosting Discourse can require technical expertise and regular maintenance.

  • Resource Intensive: The platform can be resource-intensive, potentially affecting server performance.

  • Customization Complexity: While offering customization, the process can be complex for users without technical skills.

  • Limited Real-time Features: Some users expect more real-time features like chat functionalities.

  • Content Curation: Effective content curation might be necessary to manage discussions and prevent information overload.


Thinkific helps create online courses and communities. It combines education with engagement features, fostering interaction among learners and instructors.

  • Best for: Educators, online course creators, and coaches.

  • Average Price: $49/month

  • Love Percentage: 70%


  • Course Creation: Thinkific simplifies course creation with clean navigation and straightforward instructions.

  • Customization: The platform allows customization, enabling course creators to tailor their courses to their branding and content.

  • Flexibility: Thinkific offers different plans and pricing tiers to suit various needs, including a free plan.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Its user-friendly design makes it accessible to users with varying technical skills.

  • Marketing Features: Some plans include marketing features to help course creators promote their offerings.

  • Certifications: Thinkific supports issuing certificates to learners upon course completion.

  • Quizzes and Surveys: The platform enables the integration of quizzes and surveys for interactive learning.

  • Comprehensive Courses: Thinkific hosts both in-depth and introductory courses on various topics.


  • Learning Curve: Some users might experience a learning curve when navigating the platform's features.

  • Hosting and Maintenance: While Thinkific handles hosting, self-hosted content might require additional technical expertise.

  • Resource Intensive: Creating extensive multimedia content could be resource-intensive for the platform.

  • Advanced Features: Some advanced features might be lacking compared to more complex e-learning platforms.

  • Limited Real-Time Interaction: Thinkific might not provide extensive real-time interactive features like live chat.

  • Plan Limitations: The features available in different plans might not fully align with specific user needs.


Influitive specializes in advocacy and customer engagement. It gamifies interactions, encouraging customers to become brand advocates and participate in referral programs.

  • Best for: B2B companies, SaaS businesses, and customer-focused brands.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 75%


  • Engagement Automation: AdvocateHub automates engagement requests like product reviews, references, social media sharing, and PR participation.

  • Community Building: The platform facilitates member interactions, aiding community managers in fostering connections among members.

  • Reward System: Users can reward customers and employees for engaging in activities beneficial to the organization.

  • Advocacy Programs: Influitive assists in creating and managing customer advocacy programs effectively.

  • User-Friendly: The platform is relatively easy to use and manage, even for non-technical users.

  • Customer Feedback: Users can gather valuable feedback from customers, aiding in product improvement.

  • Visibility and Analytics: Influitive provides insights into user engagement and activity, aiding in strategy refinement.

  • Customer Support: The platform offers responsive customer support to address issues and concerns.


  • Bugs and Glitches: Some users have encountered bugs and glitches in the software, though these are reportedly infrequent.

  • Administrative Control: Administrators might not have full control over all aspects of the platform, but changes are made based on customer feedback.

  • Learning Curve: While generally user-friendly, there might be a learning curve for some users, especially in understanding all features.

Disciple Media

Disciple Media offers branded community apps for deeper engagement. It emphasizes privacy and facilitates meaningful interactions within a controlled environment.

  • Best for: Brands, influencers, and organizations seeking private communities.

  • Average Price: $300/month

  • Love Percentage: 85%


  • Community Building: Disciple allows creating multiple groups, segmenting audiences, and fostering interaction among members.

  • Content Sharing: Users can post content, videos, and livestreams, engaging community members with valuable information.

  • Customization: The platform offers a fully-branded experience, enabling users to build and charge for communities around their interests.

  • Member Profiles: Each member can create profiles, find and connect with peers, enhancing the sense of belonging.

  • Analytics: Users can utilize analytics to understand community behavior, track engagement, and make data-driven decisions.

  • Online Courses: Disciple supports selling online courses and subscriptions, facilitating knowledge sharing.

  • Ease of Use: The platform is praised for its clean design, features, and user-friendly functionality.

  • Control: Users appreciate the ability to create and control rules without relying on third-party platforms.


  • Lack of documentation

  • High Price

Higher Logic Vanilla

Higher Logic Vanilla is a cloud-based community forum solution that focuses on discussions and knowledge sharing, enhancing customer support and engagement.

  • Best for: Customer support forums, product communities, and knowledge sharing.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 70%


  • Customization: Vanilla offers a customizable and themable forum platform suitable for various purposes including support communities and Q&A communities.

  • Integrations: The software provides numerous integrations, including Single Sign-On (SSO), and connectors to popular software such as Mailchimp, WordPress, Zendesk, and Salesforce.

  • Global User Connectivity: Users highlight Vanilla's role in providing a space for global users to connect with each other, share information, and answer questions.

  • Ease of Use: The platform's ease of use is noted, helping users confidently manage communities and engage members.

  • Community Growth: Vanilla aids in building and growing communities by facilitating interactions, discussions, and knowledge sharing.

  • Analytics Improvement: Users suggest that Vanilla can further enhance its analytics system to provide more accurate and reliable data.


  • Analytics Challenges: Some users express concerns about the accuracy and reliability of Vanilla's analytics system, indicating potential issues with data reflection and bugs.


inSided offers a community platform designed to increase customer self-service by allowing users to share knowledge, provide support, and offer feedback.

  • Best for: E-commerce, software companies, and brands with active customer bases.

  • Average Price: Custom pricing

  • Love Percentage: 80%


  • Engagement: inSided facilitates increased engagement among users, allowing them to interact, share insights, and collaborate effectively.

  • Community Building: The platform enables the creation of thriving online communities, fostering connections and knowledge sharing.

  • Content Management: Users appreciate inSided's content management capabilities, making it easy to organize and present valuable information.

  • Customer Support: The platform aids in providing efficient customer support by enabling users to find solutions within the community.

  • Integration: inSided offers integration options with other systems and tools, enhancing its versatility.

  • Data-Driven Insights: The platform provides valuable data and insights on user behavior and community performance.


  • Learning Curve: Some users may find a learning curve associated with using the platform's features effectively.

  • Customization Challenges: While inSided offers customization options, users note potential challenges in achieving specific customization needs.


Bettermode focuses on building employee communities by providing tools for internal networking, knowledge sharing, and company-wide engagement.

  • Best for: Enterprises, corporations, and businesses seeking to enhance internal communication.

  • Average Price: $10/user/month

  • Love Percentage: 75%


  • All-in-One Solution: Bettermode offers an all-in-one community engagement platform, streamlining customer experiences and reducing the need for multiple tools.

  • Customer Engagement: The platform enhances customer engagement through discussions, ideation, and Q&A interactions.

  • Relationship Building: Bettermode facilitates better customer relationships by enabling businesses to connect and communicate effectively.

  • Ease of Use: Users appreciate the software's ease of use, making it accessible for both businesses and customers.

  • Functionality: Bettermode's functionality, including its discussion and ideation features, receives positive feedback.

  • Quality: Users rate Bettermode's overall quality and customer support positively.


  • Not intuitive to build and scale a large community.

These 14 leading online community engagement solutions offer a wide range of features and functionalities to help businesses build and nurture their online communities. Whether you're looking to foster collaboration, provide personalized experiences, or automate customer support, there's a solution on this list that will make your customers and fans love you. So why wait? Start exploring these solutions and watch your community grow and thrive!

Launch An Online Community That Gets Real Engagement with Fragment Studios

In today's digital age, building a strong online community has become an essential aspect of successful business growth.

At Fragment Studios, we specialize in helping organizations launch communities that foster real engagement. We understand that communities are not just about optimizing for monetization. Instead, we focus on building communities that create deep trust with customers.

Our approach revolves around creating spaces where customers can connect, share their thoughts, and feel a sense of belonging. We believe that when customers have a platform to voice their opinions and engage with others who share their passion, genuine relationships are formed. These relationships lead to increased brand loyalty and, ultimately, growth for the organization.

Our team of community management experts works closely with organizations to develop tailored strategies that align with their goals and target audience. From moderating discussions to creating engaging content, we ensure that our clients' communities thrive and become hubs of meaningful interaction.

Effective online community management is instrumental in driving organizational growth. By creating a purpose-driven community, actively moderating discussions, implementing a content strategy, and fostering trust and transparency, organizations can cultivate real engagement and build long-lasting relationships with their customers. At Fragment Studios, we are passionate about helping organizations achieve this success and create thriving communities that propel their growth.

Reach out today to learn more about how we can build and scale a community that gets real engagement for your brand.

Related Reading

Brand Community Engagement



Josh Maizes, Co-Founder of Fragment Studios

Josh Maizes, the Co-founder of Fragment Studios, an expert in cultivating real engagement within communities. With the honor of building communities for renowned artists, records, and Web3 companies such as Atlantic Records, NONE, Skrillex, Kevin Gates, Tiësto, and more. Josh's expertise also extends to various industries like Gaming, Web3, and Sports Teams, helping organizations establish vibrant and engaged communities.

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